The Comic-Cubist

Jesus?! Yes, the title of this painting is actually “The Last Supper”. The painting was created in Jakarta in 2005. The rooster played an important role in ditArdo’s imagination. Firstly, because chickens and roosters were omnipresent in Indonesia, and secondly because the question arose as to what would have happened if the rooster had not…

The last Supper

Hello world

Jesus?! Yes, the title of this painting is actually “The Last Supper”. The painting was created in Jakarta in 2005. The rooster played an important role in ditArdo’s imagination. Firstly, because chickens and roosters were omnipresent in Indonesia, and secondly because the question arose as to what would have happened if the rooster had not crowed in the morning…
Jesus! Yes, the title of this painting is actually “The Last Supper”. The painting was created in Jakarta in 2005. The rooster played an important role in ditArdo’s imagination. Firstly, because chickens and roosters were omnipresent in Indonesia, and secondly because the question arose as to what would have happened if the rooster had not crowed in the morning? Would the history and fate of Peter and Jesus have been different? According to tradition, the cock crowed three times and Peter slandered Jesus. DitArdo turned the rooster into a DJ, and the story rocks to his music.

Another protagonist: Judas. Coming into the picture from the left, with his mouth wide open, he points at the three-eyed Jesus. Judas does this facing backwards, his finger forming a strong contrast in the backlight of the sun.
In vino veritas est.

Three eyes see more than two, the cock crows three times, holy is the Trinity, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
The painting was sold into an art collection at a wonderful exhibition at The Peak Bandung with introductory words by the very famous sculptor Nyoman Nuarta.

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